Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Reduce your Energy Costs this Summer

Air-conditioning is often a welcomed relief from the unremitting summer heat, but the high costs associated with energy consumption can leave homeowners and facility managers unsatisfied. 

Currently, HVAC systems are responsible for around 40% of total building energy consumption, which is why it is no surprise that according to a recent report by Navigant Research, the revenue of energy efficient HVAC systems will increase from 17.2 million in 2013 to $33.2 billion in 2020.  

If an energy efficient HVAC system isn't in your budget this year, there are several budget friendly ways for keeping your energy consumption down this summer. 

1. Change your Filters 

Clean air filters are key to getting the best air flow from your HVAC system. Not changing your filters could mean more maintenance because it forces your system to work harder and less efficiently. 

2. Add Insulation 

Check to make sure your facility is properly insulated. According to the United States Department of Energy (USDOE), insulation not only can reduce your carbon imprint and save you money on your energy bill, but it can help maintain a consistent temperature throughout your facility. 

3.  Programmable Thermostats 

A programmable thermostat can help control your system even when you aren't around. By setting different temperatures for different times of the day,  you are better able to monitor your energy consumption and cut on your costs. 

4. Invest in
Energy Efficient Shades 

Keeping your windows covered all day and installing energy efficient shades can help reduce the load on your AC unit. 

5. Annual HVAC Systems Maintenance 

Like your car, your HVAC system needs a yearly checkup. This can help ensure that your system is running efficiently and prevent costly problems later on. 

Getting a cooling load calculation completed by a certified engineer can also determine the efficiency of your HVAC system and can make sure your system meets required building codes.  

Want to find out if your HVAC system is running efficiently?  RGD Consulting Engineers can perform an on-site inspection of your facility to determine the proper remediation to help you save money on your energy consumption. Inquire today! 

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